Frequently asked questions


What is samrtgamers?

Smartgamers is an earning platform where you can earn money with just your skill in different games, simply join and start a match with another player, and if you win, you earn real money, instead of just spending your time in games you can have income with Smartgamers platform

How do I register?

You can join us with your email  and start your earning right away

What games can you play?

For the time that you are reading this here are games that you can earn from
1 – Fortnite
2 – FIFA23
3 – Call of duty Mobile
4 – PUBG

How to start earning?

After you enter our platform you can start a match with a player in your selected game and device, if you win you will earn real money and the amount of the money depends on the amount of your room selection

I have different devices like pc and Xbox and mobile, how can I use Smartgamers?

It’s simple; you just select your platform after you register, and we will show you the games that are available on your selected platform.

How can i find a player to play with?

we will simply do it for you. you do not need to find anyone we will find the most perfect match and you just need to start the game, its pretty fast, and if you need anything to talk about, you can have a little chat with your opponent in the app

   smart giftcart

Where should i buy Smart Giftcard?

you can visit our telegram agent to buy smart gift card agent link     

How to buy Smart Giftcard?

You can send a message to our sales support via Telegram to buy a gift card and our sales expert will introduce you the best way to buy a gift card according to your conditions.

How much does it take to receive my Purchase?

it’s instant, like on time we can give you your delivery and enjoy it

the only official agent to buy gift card from is 


How to add or withdraw money from my balance?

You can buy our Gift card and enter the redeem code attached to the card, or you can simply pay with crypto and increase your balance, for withdraw you have to enter you cryptocurrency wallet and we will withdraw your  money in USDT , For more information about this, you can visit our YouTube channel